التمريض للجميع
اهلا و سهلا بكل الزوار الكرام
التمريض للجميع
اهلا و سهلا بكل الزوار الكرام
التمريض للجميع
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

التمريض للجميع

التمريض علم وفن وروح وعطاء
الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 اسئلة اختبار البرومترك 11/6/1432

اذهب الى الأسفل 
3 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 88
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/05/2011

اسئلة اختبار البرومترك 11/6/1432 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: اسئلة اختبار البرومترك 11/6/1432   اسئلة اختبار البرومترك 11/6/1432 Emptyالإثنين يوليو 18, 2011 7:15 pm

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اتفضلللللللللللللللللللللللوا الاسئله
وفالكم التووووووووووووووووووووووووووفيق


بســـــــــــــــــم الله الرحمن الرحيم
1- what is proper age to perform surgical clift lip repair:
الجواب 3month
2-most important action when start any procedure:
الجواب hand washing
3-to relieve pt anxiety all of the following proper to do, exept:
a-explain the procedure to the pt
b-explain to the pt how to feel
c-explain to pt what is expected from he/she
d-explain nursing interpretation finding
4-the picture show the proper place for which of the following injection :


The picture show:
6-what is the proper position for child with asthma:
a-high fowler
b-semi fowler
7-child with heamophillia, when you teach the family, what is one from the following the family must to be avoid:
8- when you teach the family have child with HAV, what one from the following is right:
a- wear mask with each pt contact
b-wear gloves with each pt contact
c-washing hand after each pt contact
d-wash pt utensil seperatly
بسسسسس مو متأكده من الجواب ممكن يكون d
9-immunization start at:
a- one week
b-one year
c-one month
d-2 months
10-child 7y.o hypoglycemic,response, which one is proper action:
a-IM glucagon
c-10-15 mg carbohydrate
11-pt with head injury , what is the purpose of maintain normal body temperature and prevent hyperthermia:
a- hyperthermia cause CO2 retension
b-hyperthermia cause increase cerebral O2 demand
c-hyperthermia cause cerebral hemorrhage
12- which one from the following is the most important to give water:
a-old age rid bike
b- man playfootball
c-women play aerobic
d-young adult in marathon
13-proper position for pt post anesthesia to recovery:
a- supine
c-semi fowler
14-proper position for pt post anesthesia to recovery:
c-semi fowler
نفس السؤال ال 14 مع فرق الخيارات –فهذا كان جوابي لاني قلت بدل مايطلع lateral خطا واخسر سؤالين اخسر سؤال وواحد بس ههههه
15-leg exercise benefit is:
a-prevent pulmonary embolism
16- what the purpose from using incentive spirometry after cholecystectomy:
a-pt need bed rest for several days
b-surgry near diaphragm
c-drain encounter respiration
d-to improve respiration
اممممممممممممم الجواب يا b اوd
17-after D and C what is most nursing alert:
a- bleeding
18-ECG pt position:
a- supine
19-main reason of EEG is:
a- epelipsy diagnosis
b-size of brain tumor
c-give brain shock and record the brain response
d-record normal electrical activity of brain cell
20-nursing care done before surgry is:
a- preoperatine care
b-postoperative care
c-intraoperative care
21-early post operative care to prevent hypostatic hypotension ask pt to do:
a-deep breathing
b-exhale from closed lip
c-support wound during cough
d- place pt in orthopenic position
22-glucometer picture:
b- a-
d- c-
اممممممممممم طبعا الصور بهذا الشكل حيكون ترتيبها
جميع الادوات بعدين نعصر الاصبع علشان يتجمع الدم بعدين نشك الاصبع بعدين تطلع النتيجه
23-adult pt with visual disturbance and altered mobility, which one is more hazard:
24-to maintain safe drug administration :
a-check vital signs
b-check pt ID band
c-ask pt to reply name
25-pt with DM type I the most signs and symptoms:
a-increase sweating,polyurea,flush face
اممم وكان فيه خيار فيه polydepsia امم مممكرة مرتين
26-post abdominal surgry, the most pt complain is:
a-greenish –yellowish drainage
b-pain during cough at surgical incision
27-purpose of post –operative drainage :
Slow evacuate of wound exudates
28-barium enema used to:
a-fecal incontinence
c-rectum hemorrhage
29-before administration of blood transfusion to pt the vital signs checked (temp 37 , pulse 99 , BP110/80, RR19)after 20 min of transfusion the vital signs checked and the result (temp 38, pulse 99, Bp 1120/80, RR 20)
What is the immediate nursing intervention:
a-stop infusion
b-call doctor
c-check v/s
30-when administration of blood after 19 min the v/s checked and the temp is 39.
What is the immediate nursing intervention:
a-stop infusion and call doctor
b-call doctor and stop infusion
c-wait 10 min
d-check v/s
31- 7 y.o child , unresponsive, which site is proper for check pulse:
32-first step in BLS (basic life support)is:
a- check level of responsiveness
b-check breathing
c-give 2 breath
d-check circulation
33-when morphine given to the pt RR checked and the result is 4c/m, what is this condition:
a-cardiac arrest
b-respiratory arrest
c-respiratory alkalosis
34-proper feeding for cleft lip pt:
c-spoon feeding
35- which from the following is nasal cannula benefit:
a-may drink and eat
b-may nasal blockage
c-may cause skin irritation
36-first nursing care for pt with leukemia is:
a-prevent infection
b-prevent bleeding
37-best nursing care for wound drain(heamovac):
a-empty Q2h
b-keep it at pt level
c-check and record of color ,amount and consistency Q8hr(shift)
38-life threating risk for pt with bulima is:
b-brady cardia
c-hormonal disturbance
d-electrolyte imbalance
39-when take temperature from rectal , whin one of the following is harmful condition:
a-brady cardia
b-tachy cardia
c-brady pnea
d-tachy pnea
40-when you check the V/S for adult pt you find these result HR 49 RR 8 , the correct term for these finding are:
Brady cardia,brady pnea
41-most complication post pelvic surgry:
42-the reason from early ambulation, post operative IS:
a-increase appetite and improve circulation
b-improve urine out put and improve circulation
c-improve respiratory function
43-pt with pulmonary edema, lasix given for primary reason:
a-increase lung capacity
b-remove excess lung fluid
44-when nurse give digoxin she/he should:
a-give orange juice
b-check V/S
c-withhold medication if pulse less than 60 b/m
45-to give ampiclline to pt , what you should to do first:
a-ask pt if she/he had any allergy
b-check pt file
c-do sensitivity test 1 hour pre-administration
46-pre-heamodialysis you should:
a-check weight and v/s
b-give anti-hypertension drug
47-pt with 3rd degree of burn admitted to your unit , what is the first care:
a-fluid status
c-level of pain
48-pt with burn and debilitated , what is proper food:
a- protein
c- carbohydrate
49-one of the following not contain cholesterol :
c-egg yolk
d-dairy food
50-proper nursing care for pt with appendicitis:
a- cold compressor at LRQ
b-hot compressor at LRQ
امممممممممم مو متأكده
51-what is the proper position for pt with burn at head,neck,face and groin:
a-high fowler
d-semi fowler
52-only hepatitis type have vaccine are:
Hepatitis A+B
53-child in ER with air way obstruction,fracture and bleeding , which one is immediate care:
a-stop bleeding
b-perform x-ray
c-maintain clear air-way
54-child with chicken pox in isolation, what is the type of this isolation:
a-contact isolation
b-strict isolation
c-respiratory isolation
امممممممم اتوقع كذا
55-which one is first treatment for MI pt in acute phase:
56-most common MI signs and symptoms:
b-chest pain
57-child drug calculation based on:
a- age
b- BMI(body mass index)
c- child color
d-child hight
اممممممممممممم اتوقع كذا
58-cause of ulcerative colitis is:
a- job stress
b-vegetarian diet
c- pt engaged in weight loss program
اممممممممممممممممممممممم اتوقع كذا
59-hepatitis test is:
a- serum potassium
b-serum calcium
c-ppt (prolonged prothrombine time)
60-during infant CPR ,how you can know the effective breath:
Infant chest raise
61-pt with skeletal traction , you notice redness, hotness, these characteristics of which one wound stage:
a- stage I
b-stage II
c-stage III
d-stage IIII
62-menestruation hormone is:
a-progesterone and esterogen
c-progesterone , esterogen and gonadotrophine
اممممممم بس شااكه في c
63-signs of digoxin toxicity in child pt:
a- nausea,vomiting,bradycardia
64-when removing dirty gown after pt care, at which direction you can roll dirty side:
65-post tonsillectomy ,best pt position is:
Prone position with head at lateral side
66-what is nursing priority for pt with open fracture:
a-stop bleeding
b-prevent infection
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
سعد الذيب

عدد المساهمات : 6
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/06/2011

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: اسئلة اختبار البرومترك 11/6/1432   اسئلة اختبار البرومترك 11/6/1432 Emptyالإثنين أغسطس 22, 2011 8:45 am

مشكوور اخ كريم ع الأســئله-
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عدد المساهمات : 1
تاريخ التسجيل : 26/10/2011

اسئلة اختبار البرومترك 11/6/1432 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: اسئلة اختبار البرومترك 11/6/1432   اسئلة اختبار البرومترك 11/6/1432 Emptyالأحد يناير 15, 2012 12:11 am

السلام عليكم اناامتحاني قريب ونفسي اعرف كيف راح تجي الاسئلة يعني اقصد من اسئلة دحومي والالا والصور احنا نكتبها او نختار وممكن احد يكتب لي الوضعيات لكل مريض وشكرررررررررررا
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
سعد الذيب

عدد المساهمات : 6
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/06/2011

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: اسئلة اختبار البرومترك 11/6/1432   اسئلة اختبار البرومترك 11/6/1432 Emptyالإثنين فبراير 20, 2012 12:33 am

3-when administering an IM injection to a neonate, which of the following muscle the nurse would consider as the best site for injection:
a. IM
c.lateral upper arms1
4-the longest period the nurse should suction a client at one time is:
a.1-5 seconds
b.3-7 seconds
c.15-20 seconds
d.5 to 10 seconds
5-what would be the most important intervention in caring for the client’s residual limb during the first 24 hours after surgery of amputated leg:
a.Put the patient on the abdomen with a neck strain
b. Put the patient Lateral position with neck extended
c- Elevate the patient to the highest
d.Elevate the residual limb on a pillow

6-after administering an intramuscular injection with a disposable syringe, the nurse should dispose the needle and syringe by:
a. Cover the needle and put it in the container
b. Cover the needle and used with another patient
c. Non-coverage of needle and discarded in a drawer
d.Leaving the needle uncapped and disposing of needle and syringe in the universal container
7-when administering intermittent enteral feeding for a client the nurse should implement which of the following actions:
A. Place the client in Prone position
c. Place the client in High Fowler’s position
d. Place the client in low Fowler’s
d.Place the client in semi fowler’s position
8-which of the following position would be most appropriate for the client with coma during gastric lavage:
a.low Fowler’s
b.High Fowler’s position
c.Standing position

9-signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism include:
a. Low weight
b. Normally there is no increase or decrease in weight
c. Thyroxine
d.Weight gain and Constipation.

10-74-antidote for warafrine:
B. Naloxon
C. Vitamin C
d. vitamin k
11.Which one of the following is important indicator for shock:
a. eding and severe pain
b. The absence of breathing
b.increase and high white blood cells
12-the client with iron deficiency (anemia) should be instructed to eat which of the following food containing high iron:
a. Rice and water
b.Egg and legumes and
green vegetables and red meat
c. Cheese
d. Orange
اسئلت الهيئه برووومترك فنـى تمريض
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
سعد الذيب

عدد المساهمات : 6
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/06/2011

اسئلة اختبار البرومترك 11/6/1432 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: اسئلة اختبار البرومترك 11/6/1432   اسئلة اختبار البرومترك 11/6/1432 Emptyالإثنين فبراير 20, 2012 12:54 am

1-Which of the followings is an early sign of respiratory arrest.
B. Cyanosis
D. Hypertension
2-The most common responsibility of the nurse when caring of the patient with leukemia is to :
A. Take vital signs
B.Provide good nutrition
C. Give analgesics
D. Prevent infection
3-In case of epistaxis, the patient should be placed in which position :
A. Upright with head tilted forward
B. Lateral position
C. Supine position
D.Upright with head tilted
4-Nursing care for a patient with traction to prevent bed sores
A. Administering medications as Voltaren
B. Taking vital signs every 4 hours
C. Changing position of the patient every 2 hours
D. None of the above

5-The suitable diet for the patient with hypertension is…
A. low salt diet
B. low protein diet
C. low sugar diet
D. high calorie diet
6- Which one of the following is most appropriate for the nurse to apply in calculating a safe dose for a child :
A. Body mass index.
B. Level of consciousness.
C. Ability to swallow.
D. Child’s age.
7- Heimlich maneuver is a technique used with victim who is:
Choking and unresponsive.
Cardiac arrested.
Respiratory arrested.
Choking and responsive.

8- When discarding used needle and syringes, which of the following is appropriate nursing action

A.Remove needle from the syringe and discard them in separate containers
B.Recap needle, then discard the needle still attached to the syringe into a container

C.Discard the uncapped needle and syringe into a container
D.Break the needle, then discard syringe into a container
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
سعد الذيب

عدد المساهمات : 6
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/06/2011

اسئلة اختبار البرومترك 11/6/1432 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: اسئلة اختبار البرومترك 11/6/1432   اسئلة اختبار البرومترك 11/6/1432 Emptyالإثنين فبراير 20, 2012 12:56 am

3- ايش وضعيه المريض اللي عنده حرق في رقبته وأسه ـــــــــــhigh position
3-ايش وضعيه الطفل اللي نعطيه enema ــــــــــىـــchest knee
4-في CPRـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــنشيك على الوعي وبعدين ABC
5-استخدام Z لما نعطيه IMـــــــــــــــــــــــ حتى نمنع تهيج الجلد
6 -position general ansethesia ـــ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ supaine
7-iron يأكله مع ايش ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــ مع البرتقال
8-من انواع السكر اللي يتعالج ب diet -excersieــــــــــــــــــــــــtype 2
9- مريضه عندها svere bleeding ايش complication ـــــــــــــــــ hypovolmic shock
10- diet لمريض burn ــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــ ــــــــــــ غني protine
11-I.V infiltration ايش تسووين اول شي ـــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــstop I.V
ممكن يجيبون لك اعراض infiltration ويقولون ايش اول شي تسوينه طبعاـــــــــــــــdiscontinued توقفينه
نفس المعنى
12-مريض TBمتى يخرج من isolation ــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــاذا كانت تحاليله negative
13-ماهو isolation not nassessary gown - gloves ـ ــــــ respiration
14-gown in operation لازم يكون ــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــall sterile
15- كيف remove gloves ـــ ـــــــ inside to outside
16-complication for sever burn ــــــــــــــ hypovolmic shock
17-ايش اللي يعطينا high o2 ــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــnon rebrather
الرسوماااااااااااااات اللي جتنا
صوره يد فيها برص اسمه ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــvitil igo
صوره رجل فيها edema ايش تسوين ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ elevate leg above heart level
صوره لجهاز يستخدم لل ear ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــت تختارين الصوره
صوره ل injection ID ـــــــــــــ ــــــــ تختارين انه المكان لازم يكون منتفخ tent like - dry
طفل عمره 7 شهور فين تعطينه IMـــــ في الغخذ vastus lateral
صوره strip حقه urine ــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــ جايبين خيارات متعدده بس ماادري من حلي تاكدوا في استخادمها
صوره للكيفه لف الباندج على الرأس ـــ ــــــــــــــــــ تكون circlate
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
سعد الذيب

عدد المساهمات : 6
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/06/2011

اسئلة اختبار البرومترك 11/6/1432 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: اسئلة اختبار البرومترك 11/6/1432   اسئلة اختبار البرومترك 11/6/1432 Emptyالإثنين فبراير 20, 2012 12:59 am

1-The clients chest tube is connected to chest tube drainge system with a water seal the nurse notes that the fluid in the water seal column is fluctuating with each breath the client takes . the fluctuing means?
The chest is functioning properly

which position should the child be put when giving enema-2
knee chest postion

-3pt you whent give him morphine you found respiratory rate 4 b/ min developed to cessation of respiration this case
called :. respiratory arrest

The best position for a pt having burn in his head and neck is :-4
. High fowler

5-A patient with skeletal traction has an area of skin that is abraded, red and warm. This type of skin injury be classific as Stage I

Immunization should be started when child-6
1weekبعد اسبوع
Deep breathing and coughing exercise done at-7
. semi-fowler’s position
oxygen toxicity results from oxygen concentration above-8

9-the client with iron deficiency (anemia) should be instructed to eat which of the following food containing high iron

the nurse should administer poliomyelitis immunization by what rout-10

11-the nurse anticipates that the client will return from surgery with a drainage tube in the incision site attached to
suction, the purpose of this apparatus is to help
Prevent accumulation of fluids in the wound

12-A client requiring the highest possible concentration of oxygen will need which of the following delivery systems
. Mask with reservoir bag

13-The major goal of nursing care for a patient with burns during the first 24 hours is?
Restore fluid and dectrolyia balance

-14Common complications of hemoialysis include all of the following EXCEPT-
Transfusion reaction

Bleeding from the lines.
The nursing responsiblaty with patient bleeding from nose(Ebistaxis)-15
A-pressure on area from 5-10 m with hold the head toward

When they are The first dose of -16
لاجابه في الشهر الرابع

-17Immediate management for reaction during blood transfusion?
Stop blood

what is the best time to do clift lip repair?-18
first week after birth

19-years old child complain of sever abdominal pain , when assessing vital signs which of the following signs not changed?
Increase puse

--20كيفية الغذاء بعد عملية الشفه الارنبيه :: عن طريق نازوقاسترك ng tube

-21فحص الكبد الوبائي :: ppt

-22نعطي الدواء
للطفل على حسب الوزن و؟
:: age

-23عند التغيير لمريض مصاب بـ حروق .. كل الاختيارات صح بس المطلوب the first ؟

غسل اليدين::
جابوا صوره ماسك
جابو صورة ترتيب السكر

دعوووووووووووووووواتكم لي بتوووفيق
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
سعد الذيب

عدد المساهمات : 6
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/06/2011

اسئلة اختبار البرومترك 11/6/1432 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: اسئلة اختبار البرومترك 11/6/1432   اسئلة اختبار البرومترك 11/6/1432 Emptyالإثنين فبراير 20, 2012 1:06 am

اسئلت الهيئه السعوديه التخصصات الصحيه تخصـص فنـى تمـريض بروومــــترك دعواتكم لي يتووفيــــق
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
اسئلة اختبار البرومترك 11/6/1432
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» اسئلة الهيئة السعودية للتمريض
» اسئلتي في اختبار الهئيه
» كل الصور الي تجي في اختبار الهيئه - تمريض مهم
» اسئلة الهيئه متنوعه ومحلوله
»  اسئلة الهيئة السعودية تمريض

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
التمريض للجميع :: التمريض العام-
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